AA GamingClub Reforged Eden Atlantis Next

Server Information
Hostname Madoverlords World
Status Checked 11 minutes ago / Online 39 days ago
Players 0 / 10
Location United States of America
Version v1.11.6
Platform Windows
Website https://discord.gg/Q4RMkYMEUh
Registered by Geightfive
Registered since November 1st, 2023 08:18 PM EST
Last update January 6th, 2024 01:30 AM EST

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 709
Score 0
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

AA GamingClub Reforged Eden Atlantis Next server


Featuring The Reforged Eden Atlantis Next overhaul scenario. A Custom built scenario built on top of Reforged Eden including New items, Deco, Ship and Base Equipment, Missions, Weapons, Dozens of Instances ( special zones you load into that act like traditional dungeon crawls with bosses, loot, exp) Thousands of hours of content! Easter eggs to find!

Full Mass + Volume + Cpu ON *Many Avenues to increase* + PVE and PVP sectors(standard with RE and REAN) PVE centric

Blueprint/factory Class size 30 - No block limits, Regulated by CPU

Extensive Starter Kit available Via Atlantis Station by way of Haven. Also a CB Starter kit of 50,000 credits

70,000+ Planets and moons across an extensive universe! Come travel the cosmos!

20 slot server with easily expandable slots

Join an ever growing gaming community and make friends or solo!

The Admin Shop located on haven Offers Admin spawn only items like Ship skins, Car skins, Posters of sexy concept art style girls, Deco for your bases, Pilots and Engineers to beef up your CPU on SV and CV + More! utilizing in game credits for currency refreshed every 7 days.

Custom starting station "The Asgard Cloning Station" where you can choose dozens of planets to start on via Portals or Opt out for an extreme hardcore starter planet!
