Earth in Conflict

Server Information | |
Address | |
Hostname | Earth in conflict Atlantis T-Centre PvE-Trading-PvP +Mods (rus- |
Status | Checked 6 minutes ago |
Players | 1 / 200 |
Location | Moldova |
Version | v1.11.10 |
Platform | Windows |
Registered by | replik |
Registered since | July 12th, 2024 02:52 AM EST |
Last update | November 21st, 2024 09:50 AM EST |
Discord Server
Statistics | |
Uptime | |
Vote(s) | 40 |
Rank | 38 |
Score | 63 |
Favorited | 0 |
Discussion(s) | 1 |
About This Server
ПВПВЕ сервер, с рыноком у нпс + Атлантис. Все донатные блоки переведены в игровую валюту. Смесь Рефордж 1 и 2. Работают все скрипты. Разным нпс фракциям добавлены по 4 корабля из разных фильмов: Star Wars и Star Treck и тд.
PVPVE server, with a market at NPC + Atlantis. All donation blocks have been converted into game currency. A mixture of Reforge 1 and 2. All scripts work. 4 ships from different films have been added to different NPC factions: Star Wars and Star Treck, etc
PVPVE server, with a market at NPC + Atlantis. All donation blocks have been converted into game currency. A mixture of Reforge 1 and 2. All scripts work. 4 ships from different films have been added to different NPC factions: Star Wars and Star Treck, etc