Venatus Australia

Venatus Australia
Server Information
Hostname Venatus Australia
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 200
Location Australia
Version v1.11.10
Platform Windows
Registered by Moedeb27
Registered since July 10th, 2018 07:33 AM EST
Last update February 2nd, 2023 12:45 AM EST

Discord Server

Vote(s) 23
Rank 28
Score 41
Favorited 25
Discussion(s) 2

About This Server

Australia's largest and longest online Empyrion server, operating since 2016. Catering not only for Australian & NZ players, but anyone in the world is welcome to join in. We do not operate a business, and therefore the server is free to play, with no donations required to access all the content. We do not charge you for anything, nor is there any way to pay us for the fun & enjoyment you will have playing.

The server is hosted in a professional data centre providing excellent hardware and data bandwidth.

We have written our own custom universe, with many unique planets and items for you to explore and access. There is no other server quite like ours!

The server is owned and run by admins who actually play the game, so our server is written by players, for the players.

Your Admins are: Andy & kDM

Discord Server: