HWS NA | PvPvE | Expanding Galaxy | Custom Story | Events | Mods

Server Information
Address na.empyrion-homeworld.net:37537
Hostname HWS+ NA RC |PvPvE|Dynamic Galaxy|Custom Story|Events
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 170
Location Canada
Version v1.11.10
Platform Windows
Website https://empyrion-homeworld.net
Registered by RexXxuS
Registered since May 18th, 2018 05:05 PM EST
Last update January 7th, 2023 03:28 AM EST

Discord Server

Vote(s) 169
Rank 20
Score 271
Favorited 18
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to HWS | Home World Server

The most popular and populated Empyrion Multiplayer Server!

Since March 2016 we have arduously worked towards one lofty but worthwhile goal: Enhance the Multiplayer facet of Empyrion and in doing so - create the best game experience possible for thousands of players!

HWS Empyrion has numerous exclusive, self-written, and unique features / mods that are not found anywhere else.

Some highlights include:
* Support - Questions and requests are responded to within a maximum of 24 hours.

* Knowledge - we know what we are doing for over 7 years. Performance, gameplay and the community benefits from it.

* Gameplay - We optimized the HWS+ universe for both PvP and PvE playstyles. These groups start at different locations and those who come for PvP will appreciate the late-game hotspots. PvE players will appreciate a thriving economy and the 100+ playfields that can be explored. Custom and exclusive missions challenge both player types and offer in-game rewards. Last but not least you can Cross Server Warp from NA to EU to explore both universes, get more resources and friends - or enemies.

* Features - Our unique features allow us to help and support players and create an entirely new gaming experience with genuine story-driven Origins (factions) and long-term content.

* Progression - Regardless of seasonal wipes which often occur with a new Empyrion version or whether a player takes a break for a few weeks or months or longer, their progress and assets are saved on HWS with online banking and storage of assets.

* HWS Connect - the list of features and tools available here is lengthy. One of the latest HWS Connect additions is the ability to upgrade your player skills (more health, food, stamina). Trade in real-time with other players, request a daily supply crate or even view and manage your entire infrastructure from your PC or smartphone.

* HWS has the largest player community with new players joining every day. HWS factions are looking for new members, waging war, amassing wealth through trade and mining or completing missions for reward.

* Stability - HWS runs on dedicated servers with the latest technology available. Our servers restart on schedule to preserve game integrity and quality and can boast nearly 100% uptime.

For more information, please follow the links below

You like HWS? We would appreciate your support as Patron - many benefits for you inclusive!

= = = = = = =

Thank you for playing on HWS!

Disclaimer: HWS is not associated with Eleon Game Studios in any way!

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