Empyrion-Servers.com Blog Feed en https://empyrion-servers.com/ Tue, 24 Dec 2024 13:27 CET Empyrion-Servers.com is a Empyrion servers list. Its goal is to provide an efficient way for players to find a server that suits their needs and also for servers owners to get more players on their servers. 60 🎄✨ Merry Christmas and a Happy 2025! ✨🎄 https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/325/a-merry-christmas-and-a-happy-2025-a/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/325/a-merry-christmas-and-a-happy-2025-a/ Tue, 24 Dec 2024 13:27 CET
As we gather to celebrate this special season, we want to share a message of hope, love, and optimism with all of you.

While the world continues to face its challenges, this time of year reminds us of the power of unity, resilience, and the unshakeable spirit of humanity. Together, we have overcome obstacles and built a foundation for brighter days ahead.

This Christmas, let us hold onto the belief that better times are not just possible—they are within our reach. Each act of kindness, each moment of understanding, and each effort to make a difference brings us closer to a future filled with peace, progress, and joy.

As we step into 2025, let’s embrace the opportunities it holds with confidence and determination. May this New Year be a turning point, bringing success, happiness, and fulfilment to us all.

:santa::star: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :star::santa:

PS. The picture is created by Ju!
Currently the game is on the winter sale on a 60% discount!

With love and gratitude,
Eleon Game Studios

v1.12 Experimental I https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/324/v112-experimental-i/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/324/v112-experimental-i/ Wed, 11 Dec 2024 15:34 CET
The year has flown by again and Christmas is just around the corner. We have put together a small gift package in the last few weeks, which we are giving to you as a test version in the Experimental Update 1.12!

Not only can you try out a completely new five-part campaign for your avatar's home faction, the UCH, but this faction also gets a completely new series of NPC models that will from now on represent the ‘people of the Milky Way’ in the game! In addition, we have included the first version of a racing event. You can find the ‘HeKaTon Cup’ by visiting the Arkenian Republic's home world. Just stop by the Hurrz Hoverbikes Store on Arkenia Prime or fly directly to the moon.

We are looking forward to your best times - and of course to seeing how you like the UCH campaign!

Of course, there are even more goodies. Starting with local energy barriers and energy sidewalks that can be activated in the tech tree, to a new planet type, a new drone bay model, over 90 new/revised POIs and more.

As always, you can find all the details of the update in the changelog below!

Two important notes in advance
  • Much of the new content is only available if you start a new savegame.
  • Regarding the new NPC models, there is an important note for Builder/Scenario Managers at the bottom of the changelog.
The Experimental Version is expected to run until mid/late-January 2025. So you have plenty of time to test the new content extensively.

As always, please use the following forums for this
We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy testing!

Empyrion Dev Team

PS: With this Experimental release we will also fully wipe our Official Servers! Please check the changelog below for the related changes!

Changelog: v1.12 B4711 2024-12-11

  • New Energy Barriers (New Techtree Unlock; Stops bullets and lasers, but can be walked through, doesn't seal a structure)
  • New Energy Walkways (New Techtree Unlock: Cannot shoot through, Cannot be walked through, doesn't seal a structure)
  • Both blocks are controllable by the signals & circuits system to allow for configurations such as disabling & enabling them for when you want them on or off.

  • New Drone bay model (replaces the old one)
  • Added four new NPC Spawners (Thin) with offset positions (front, back, corner with either variant of looking “inward” and “outwards”)
Missions / PDA
  • Added 5-chapter UCH faction mission ‘Operation Phoenix: New Terra’; Warp to the “Phoenix System” to start.
  • Added HeKaTon Cup qualifying event; Warp to Arkenia System and visit the Howling Hurrz Hoverbikes Store in the new Arkenia Prime Capital city or fly directly to the Arkenia Prime Moon
  • Added ‘helper chapters’ to the PDA (F1) faction groups (currently for UCH and Arkenian Republic related missions and events)
  • Note: A new savegame is required for all elements described in section!
UCH Faction
  • Full set of new NPC models dedicated to represent the UCH soldiers and civilians
  • Added new EClassConfig UCH NPCs with walking/guard/static behavior.
  • Updated EGroupsConfig with new UCH npc groups
  • Set up new home system PHOENIX for UCH
  • Added new planet type (VolcanicPlateau) as UCH home planet 'New terra'
  • Added new UCH POIs (thx to Stellar_Titan)
  • Added new loot tables and variations for UCH npcs
  • Note: A new savegame is required for all elements described in section!

IMPORTANT NOTE TO CREATORS (Builders/Scenarios) about the UCH Model replacements:
  • The new UCH-NPC models do not automatically replace old UCH models, as they have different configurations and technical settings. Furthermore, the new models are now considered the standard models used with the UCH faction.
  • This means that if you base your EClassConfig on that of the standard scenario and/or use the now obsolete entities such as ‘UCHSoldierFemale2AssaultRifle’ in one of your POIs, they may no longer be spawned. Ideally, you would replace them with the new UCH models in the POI spawners.
  • Alternatively, you could re-enable the outdated entity definition for the UCH in the EClassConfig (search for the line ‘OUTDATED / NO LONGER CANON for UCH!’ in the configuration file for more details). However, the latter only works for scenarios that use/want to use their own EClassconfig. Not for individual blueprints, e.g. in the workshop.
POI & Prefabs
  • Added 89 new and updated bases and vessels by sulusdacor, Don2k7, Stellar_Titan, Escarli, teakeycee, AkevaBanshee, Matcz, MAX, oojimaflip, vicomt
  • New stock prefab: GEI Aquila & GEI MizoRei (by AkevaBanshee)
  • Added missing RAV OPVs: Ursus Venator/Mater Ursi Gunship/Heavy Freighter (by Don2k7)
  • Note: A new savegame is required for all elements described in section!
Other changes
  • Improved wood cutting ability & speed of Survival Tool and Chainsaw
  • New Robot & Ripperdog barking dialogues (by sulusdacor)
  • Changed: Reduces stepping/jumping height for most NPCs (Zirax, AlienCivlians, Human/Alien Soldiers) to reduce the event of them jumping on furniture or walls (please test),
  • Swapped Survival Tool Drill mode with Defense mode (now the Drill is auto-selected when equipped)
  • All consoles from the consoles deco group can now use a Dialogue setup
  • Added new model for sleeping (and snoring!) zirax commander (EClassConfig)
  • Added new device group ‘forcefield emitters’
  • Changed: Energy Barriers, Energy Walkways, Shield Generators will now appear in the new forcefield-emitter group in control panel when autogrouped
  • Added new BAI templates in EClassConfig: guards, mobile/static + combat/flee) + inline docu
  • Removed unused galaxy config files from Default Mutiplayer scenario
  • Added two new playfields "MoonDesertCanyon" & "BarrenTemperate", Adjusted SolarSystemConfigs for these playfields to spawn (BarrenTemperate only appears at star types F, A, B, O.)
Model / Technical Changes & Additions
  • Added kill_teleport death effect (for use with story NPCs; check EClass Config > Admiral Yaden)
  • WIP: Added localized ambient sound effects creating dynamic background conversation noise (currently only human sounds; sfx variants added to occupied tables with at least two seated people)
  • Added /improved animation controllers for handling Gatling, Rocket and other weapons (Please check Comments in EClassConfig!) in relation to UCH weaponry
  • Added animation controllers used for specific situations for STATIC UCH npc variants (discussing, chatting, console work; Note that each UCH entity type has a particular behavior especially for STATIC variants. )
  • Reworked the SharedData for the "Default Random" & "Rise of the Dark Faction" scenarios so the folders are smaller in size to download when setup with the "SharedDataURL" feature.
    See here for our guide on how to setup & use the SharedDataURL feature for Local Co-op & MP on dedicated servers:
  • Extensive update to the Default Multiplayer scenario to be inline with Single Player. NOTE: requires a fresh Save Game
  • Added several new terrain stamps (for e.g. MoonCanyonSnow)
  • Activated the Christmas Event in the Invader vs Defender Scenario
Guided Tutorial Tweaks and fixes
  • Removed label 'needs captain's key' when door was already unlocked
  • Fix for marker vanishing when sitting on a bench in the destroyed starter vessel
  • Opened the beach teleporter box
  • Added key press info for task of harvesting plant protein & for closing drone view at backpack mission
  • Increased despawn timer for backpack mission. The backpack now only spawns in when needed
  • Further increased despawn times for some other important items
  • Added fallback cores to tech caches
Multiplayer / Server Info
Official PvP Server
  • Updated all configs with changes from the single player game
  • Activated the Christmas Event 2024
  • Replaced Celedo with a new planet (thanks to Escarli)
  • Removed the tutorial data to reduce the download and waiting time before you can join the server
  • Removed all asteroids from Atlon Sector and added them as regular deposits on Atlon and Mate. NOTE: due to the increase of deposits and the texture limitation some might have a default grey (iron) texture
  • Removed all PvE Zones from Trading Stations except the one around the Galactic Trading Station in Cygnus System
  • Disabled the Space Defense System and Base Attack System
  • Disabled some missions due to griefing
  • Moved Kantir closer so more can be reached by SV
  • Removed the Explorer Token System (reward can be bought now on the GTS)
Official EU / NA Server
  • Updated all configs with changes from the single player game
  • Activated the Christmas Event 2024
  • Reworked the galaxy layout. There are now between 2500 and 5000 stars
  • Added invisible blocks to the Asteroids as test on the EU Server to see if they keep regenerating after being complete mined out
  • Replaced Celedo with a new planet and added a new Demon Planet (thanks to Escarli)
  • Removed the tutorial data to reduce the download and waiting time before you can join the server
  • Added several new homeworlds or updated existing ones
  • Removed the Explorer Token System (reward can be bought now on the GTS)
Official Vanilla Server
  • Updated all configs with changes from the single player game
  • Activated the Christmas Event 2024
  • Reworked the Galaxy Layout to be similar to Single Player
  • Added several new homeworlds or updated existing ones
  • Removed the tutorial data to reduce the download and waiting time before you can join the server
  • Removed the Explorer Token System (reward can be bought now on the GTS)
  • Fix 01186: Placing blocks with symmetry replace blocksdevices from another side
  • Fixed descriptions of all playfields
  • Fixed Epic Gift dialogues in Invader vs Defender are blank and throw a error
  • Fixed some weapon models that did not work for NPCs properly (eg. FlameThrower)
v1.11.10 B4546 https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/323/v11110-b4546/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/323/v11110-b4546/ Wed, 04 Dec 2024 13:04 CET
We have released a small patch just to sync the Steam & Epic build numbers on both platforms.
This update today is for Steam owners & the changes only affect the Epic version.

Changelog: v1.11.10 B4546 2024-12-04
  1. Epic version: Main menu could show Start DF button even if not owned
  2. Epic version: The Epic client doesn't evaluate command line arguments
v1.11.10 Patch https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/322/v11110-patch/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/322/v11110-patch/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 12:17 CET
We have a small patch ready to help with some issues server owners found with EAH.
Please make sure to update both the Client & Dedicated server asap.
This update is for both Steam & Epic platforms.

Changelog: v1.11.10 B4545 2024-11-05

  • Fixed an exception that could occur when trying to join a dedicated server after exiting a single-player session.
  • Fix Epic players with names with spaces truncated
  • Fix PDA DevicePower PDA logic (Missing placement decals in RotDF scenario start SV in hangar)
This patch addresses an issue where some Epic players could not use EAH chat commands or access certain mod features.

Important note for mod developers: Previously, Epic player .ply IDs could occasionally exceed the Long data type's maximum range (9,223,372,036,854,775,807), requiring an Unsigned Long (18,446,744,073,709,551,615), referred to as “20 digits.” When a player had a 20-digit .ply file, EAH could not detect or process it, as EAH only supports Long IDs.

With this patch, Epic IDs will be recalculated to max. 19 digits at game startup (Client) or server startup (Server). This means that any 20-digit .ply files (and respective folders) will be automatically renamed to the new ID, retaining their content.

For server admins and mod developers: If your mod or server setup references specific 20-digit IDs (e.g., in adminconfig.yaml), you’ll need to update those entries with the new ID after the patch to ensure that players retain their existing bans, mutes, or permissions.]]>
The Chase the Horizon Sale has Arrived! https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/321/the-chase-the-horizon-sale-has-arrived/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/321/the-chase-the-horizon-sale-has-arrived/ Tue, 22 Oct 2024 15:48 CEST
Funcom is thrilled to host the Chase the Horizon publisher sale, giving the stage to all games that light the spark of exploration, with plenty of discounts!

Empyrion - Galactic Survival joins a long list of fantastic titles from other developers. Venture forth into the unknown and discover the next horizon you will chase.


The event will remain until 28 October.]]>
v1.11.9 Hotfix 2 https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/320/v1119-hotfix-2/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/320/v1119-hotfix-2/ Mon, 14 Oct 2024 17:23 CEST Changelog: v1.11.9 B4541 2024-10-14
  • Fix: Exception when quickly restarting refreshing in server browser (Issue was only with the Epic version)
  • We detected an issue with our server manager that affects the Epic version & the steam dedicated server.
Important: Steam users should update their dedicated server & Client as soon as the update appears for you in Steam Library > Downloads
v1.11.9 Hotfix https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/319/v1119-hotfix/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/319/v1119-hotfix/ Fri, 11 Oct 2024 11:44 CEST
Changelog: v1.11.9 B4540 2024-10-11

  • Fixed: an exception in the server browser
  • Fixed: Hourly re-authentication for Epic clients
  • Fixed: Official Eleon servers not displayed as such in Epic clients
v1.11.9 Patch https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/318/v1119-patch/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/318/v1119-patch/ Tue, 08 Oct 2024 17:49 CEST Changelog: v1.11.9 B4536 2024-10-08
Table of Contents
[expand type=details expanded=false]
  1. Steam & Epic Account linking[//]
  2. Crossplay[//]
  3. Custom Content Sharing[//]
  4. Important info to share[//]

  • Added preparations for the games release to the EPIC game store on Thursdays Oct 10:
  • The game will be updated synchronously on both platforms
Steam & Epic Account linking:
  • With the addition of our game on the Epic Store, we've introduced an in-game option in the server browser to link your Steam account to your Epic account for crossplay between Steam and Epic friends in Co-op/MP. Follow the pop-ups that appear when you open the server browser.
  • If you do not wish to use this Account Linking option, simply select "No" when prompted.
  • The “Link Account” button will appear from then on in your server browser should you change your mind in future.
  • Note for Epic players: If you have a PC stats overlay enabled (such as MSI Afterburner + RivaTuner), it may prevent the User Agreement GUI from loading when the client starts for the first time, causing a loading screen loop. This also affects the GUI for linking Steam and Epic accounts & the Epic in-game social UI (shift+F3) from loading. Epic Store users should disable any overlays and restart the game to agree to the User Agreement.
  • EPIC users will be able to join any steam dedicated server that is publicly visible
  • Crossplay is available between Steam and Epic versions for Co-op mode once Steam and Epic accounts are linked.
  • Epic users can invite their Steam friends to join their Co-op sessions, and Steam users can do the same with their Epic friends. Only users added to your friends list can see and join any Co-op games from the server browser's "Friends" tab. When a friend on either platform is hosting a Co-op session & you want to play together, check the server browser's "Friends" tab to find the Co-op server in the list.
Custom Content Sharing:
  • Where is the “Workshop” content for other platforms ? We are exploring options for this topic for an alternative to the Steam workshop that will work cross platform between Steam & Epic for users to share any custom made content (Blueprints, Custom Scenarios etc like we already do on the Steam workshop). When this is up & running we will make an announcement to say when it is going to be released & available for everyone to use. We don’t have an ETA just yet to give for this but will update as soon as we are ready.
  • See here for a temporary workaround to be able to get workshop blueprints: https://empyriononline.com/threads/epic-store-release-and-custom-content.102562/
  • Epic Users will be able to join servers with custom scenarios being used.
Important info to share:
v1.11.8 Patch https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/317/v1118-patch/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/317/v1118-patch/ Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:30 CEST
First of all, we want to thank you very much for your feedback that reached us during the Experimental Phase of Update 1.11.8 through our various feedback channels.

As you may have already experienced in the testing phase or at least seen in the blogs, in addition to numerous bug fixes and the completion of the Dark Faction Scenario Story Campaign, the new "Freeze & Board" gameplay for the Dark Faction DLC expansion is another central focus of this update.

In brief: The Dark Faction has gained the ability to disable your capital and small vessels as well as hover vessels. If you are in a disabled capital vessel, a boarding crew will be teleported over to you. If you don't take them out, they can cause some serious damage to the interior of your ship!

How exactly this works is explained in the following video:

You can also find all the details in the corresponding feedback thread here:

With the current update, you also get the revamped and expanded Dark Faction Story Campaign - fully playable in both solo and co-op modes, including two possible story endings!

In addition to this, the current update includes, among other things, a small hitpoint balancing, a new Pentaxid Tank model, and over 470 new and updated icons in the areas of Building Blocks, Wings, Windows, Railings, Farming, Plants, Ingots, Components, Medical, Food, Cooking, Trading & more.

As always, all the contents of the update can be found in detail below in the comprehensive changelog.

Please use the feedback forum for your feedback:

Please use the bug report forum for bug and error reports:

We hope you have fun with the update as always and look forward to your feedback!

Changelog: v1.11.8 B4531 2024-09-12

Main game & Dark Faction DLC
  • MP: Updated EAC
  • Assigned new icons for Destroyed Blocks (Signal/Touch; Wood, Xeno), Epic Upgrade Kits, AlienSting & more
  • Partial preview icon update ( ~470; eg. Building Blocks, Wings, Windows, Railings, Farming, Plants, Ingots, Components, Medical, Food, Cooking, Trading & more)
  • New Pentaxid tank model
  • Changed: Game client now checks server version and shows the version in red if not matching client's version, also disables Connect button in this case
  • Hitpoint changes acc to a more unified ruleset around the following HP ranges:
    - Regular soldiers and troops 500
    - Elites & special 700-800
    - Civilians: 300
    - Damaged / infected: 400
    - Special HP ranges for larger entities (Golem, Hishkal), Talon, Kriel
  • 00906: Players can take damage when in a cockpit & being fired on
  • 01195: Dialogue Input Disables AI Permanently Until Reload MP
  • 01030: Infinite loading screen after teleporting to a destination that was destroyed
  • Fix: On server update of SharedDataURL no longer the player produced Blueprints and PDA log are deleted
  • 01520: [MP/Co-op] PDA signals (*Signal) are not stored in Blueprints when used as Logic Circuit input signal
  • Fixed an error on the dedicated server when "HeartBeat:" is enabled in the dedicated.yaml
  • Fixed a crash that was triggering when approaching certain structures (player & POI’s)
  • Fixed Pivot Point Polaris Scout Stock Prefab
  • Fixed an issue with street lights despawning in Survival mode when placed.
  • Fixed PL translations (default scenario; UI/Messages) being shifted to wrong original texts

Dark Faction DLC
  • Added Dark Faction Disruptor & Translocator turrets:
When a vessel gets hit by the beam:
  1. The targeted vessel will be less and less mobile in a gradual way.
  2. The UI immobilization bar will grow indicating the level of mobility. When full the targeted vehicle will be totally immobile.
  3. When hit by the Freeze beam the UI Freeze Icon will blink indicating that the targeted vehicle is actually hit by the Freeze beam.
  4. When the targeted vehicle escape the beam or the beam stops then the UI immobilization bar will diminish with time => recovery of mobility
  5. When UI immobilization bar is full then the ship is totally frozen and the next frozen phase will start
When ship is totally frozen:
  1. The ship will not be able to move anymore.
  2. The ship will rotate to the horizontal plane (only for CV).
  3. The UI Freeze icon will turn to red color (not blinking anymore).
  4. A timer countdown will start with a duration of FreezeDuration second.
  5. The UI Immobilization bar will change its color to red and become hence now the UI Freeze countdown bar. The UI Freeze countdown bar will start full and will decrease with time.
  6. When the UI Freeze countdown bar is empty the targeted vehicle will be able to move fully at once (no progressive mobility recovery).
  7. The translator Turret will fire at the stopped vessel as long as it has a line of sight to the player vessel & teleport some NPC's over. They will despawn after all of them get killed or their boarding timer runs down.

RotDF scenario update:
For DLC owners: A rework of the Dark Faction scenario has been done with the changes below into a full campaign with a proper mid and end game.
Your progression is reflected in the story to defeat the Dark Faction, which spreads throughout the universe at a slower pace now.
You prepare with different Simulations how to fight against the Dark Faction, gather enough Symelite resources and research the proper tech to beat it.
There are two different endings you can choose from that impact the whole universe.
  • Updated Story with a full campaign: When you reach Aratos more missions are available from NPC’s at the UCH HQ.
  • Updated Research HQ POI & dialogues
  • Added Campaign Token reward for the HQ factions
  • Updated Aratos playfield with new decorations
  • Adjusted faction spreading speed to be slower by default in the Config
  • Updated translations for Dark Faction DLC on supported languages (DE,FR,IT,ES,PTb,RU,CHS)
  • [01329] Dark Field Nullifiers don't appear to work
  • Fix random trigger PDA mission when entering area set to other players to spawn if they missed the start of the scenario
  • Fix Auto Pillar Chapter trigger
  • Fix Oxygen Leak in Research HQ
  • Fixed a variety of issues with the
v1.11.8 Experimental III RC https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/316/v1118-experimental-iii-rc/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/316/v1118-experimental-iii-rc/ Fri, 06 Sep 2024 21:23 CEST
Today we start the last phase of the current v1.11.8 Experimental Version. We plan to release next week on Tuesday the 10th September.

Please see the changelog below.

As always:
- Please post bugs and errors to this forum:

- Feedback on specific points, please post here in the pinned or new threads:


Previous change logs for v1.11.8:



Changelog v1.11.8 B4529 RC 2024-09-06
Dark Faction DLC:

RotDF scenario:
  • Add more Manual Allow true to PDA chapters
  • Better transformation of Queen on Uta
  • Do not show generic PDA Completed Messages
  • Arena Signal revert to *Signals again & Polish Arena spawner placement
  • Polished end with Dr Obinski as End Boss
  • Fix door not opening after queen kill on Uta
  • Fix explosive did not destroy pillar on Uta
  • Fix loca merge, Fix floating NPCs in COOP/MP in Fight Arena
  • RotDF translations updated for PDA, Dialogues, Main Loca (supported languages)
  • Updated Content: Polished end with Dr Obinski as End Boss
  • 01537: Exception that triggered after playfield change with some morphed blocks appearing on structures
  • 01529: DF Turrets in Co-op are extremely loud (Sound system issue)
  • 01483: DF sword shield bar can appear always on HUD
  • 01503: DF turrets beam do not hit the target and ends in the empty space
  • 01304: While moving, CV device performance in a neutralized Alpha Field is not constant
  • [MP/Co-op] Translocator & Disruptor beams were not visible
  • Fix an issue with POI after it was respawned on terrain (terrain gaps appearing due to wrong position)
  • Fixed unintentionally shifted language entries in polish main translation
  • Fixed an issue with a story POI after it was respawned on terrain
  • Fixed unintentionally shifted language entries in polish main translation
Main Game & Dark Faction DLC:
  • Default Random translations for Dialogues updated (supported languages)
  • 01520: [MP/Co-op] PDA signals (*Signal) are not stored in Blueprints when used as Logic Circuit input signal
  • Fix an error on the dedicated server when "HeartBeat:" is enabled in the dedicated.yaml
Sneak Peak! https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/315/sneak-peak/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/315/sneak-peak/ Fri, 06 Sep 2024 19:51 CEST
Use the weekend to play the EXPERIMENTAL version and test the fully revamped Dark Faction story campaign (coop and solo!), the new “Freeze & Board” gameplay and more! 👽🛸👾All info 👉https://www.empyriononline.com/

Community Manager
Eleon Game Studios]]>
v1.11.8 Experimental II https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/314/v1118-experimental-ii/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/314/v1118-experimental-ii/ Fri, 23 Aug 2024 21:12 CEST
Please see the changelog below.

As always

Changelog v1.11.8 B4523 2024-08-23

Main game & Dark Faction DLC
Game Icons
  • Assigned new icons for Destroyed Blocks (Signal/Touch; Wood, Xeno), Epic Upgrade Kits, AlienSting & more
  • Partial preview icon update ( ~470; eg. Building Blocks, Wings, Windows, Railings, Farming, Plants, Ingots, Components, Medical, Food, Cooking, Trading & more)
Dark Faction DLC
  • Added Dark Faction Disruptor & Translocator turrets:
  • The Disruptor turret will aim at CV, SV, HV vessels.
When a vessel gets hit by the beam:
  1. The targeted vessel will be less and less mobile in a gradual way.
  2. The UI immobilization bar will grow indicating the level of mobility. When full the targeted vehicle will be totally immobile.
  3. When hit by the Freeze beam the UI Freeze Icon will blink indicating that the targeted vehicle is actually hit by the Freeze beam.
  4. When the targeted vehicle escape the beam or the beam stops then the UI immobilization bar will diminish with time => recovery of mobility
  5. When UI immobilization bar is full then the ship is totally frozen and the next frozen phase will start
  • When ship is totally frozen:
  1. The ship will not be able to move anymore.
  2. The ship will rotate to the horizontal plane (only for CV).
  3. The UI Freeze icon will turn to red color (not blinking anymore).
  4. A timer countdown will start with a duration of FreezeDuration second.
  5. The UI Immobilization bar will change its color to red and become hence now the UI Freeze countdown bar. The UI Freeze countdown bar will start full and will decrease with time.
  6. When the UI Freeze countdown bar is empty the targeted vehicle will be able to move fully at once (no progressive mobility recovery).
  7. The translator Turret will at the stopped the vessel completely as long as it has a line of sight to the player vessel & teleport some NPC's over. They will despawn after all of them get killed or their boarding timer runs down.
  • When the target vehicle is unfrozen after being totally frozen then a cooldown timer will be applied. It will prevent the target vehicle from being hit again during this time period.
  • A potential target will not be considered as a target and will not be fired on if by any other Freeze turrets if:
  1. It is already frozen or it is in its cool down phase.
  2. It is currently on a boarding or a boarding cool down process.
All other considerations of target selection and firing rules are the same as regular turrets.
RotDF scenario
  • Main campaign changes are completed. A variety of fixes/Changes have been done:
  • Fix for delay Fight Simulation Doors
  • Fix Fight Arena had wrong signal sign door sequencing
  • Fix Pillar Core name was not up to date
  • Reduced Reinforcement Cooldown on the three Factions at the end
  • Fixed Reinforcement sequencing at the end
  • Rename some Dialogue waypoints
  • Fix Radesk was killable
  • 01502: COQ appear near DF story pillar on DF Simulator playfield
  • 01514: DF Story - Bosses from Zirax sim waves can be killed before countdown timer finishes
Note: it is advised to start a new RotDF save game from now to rule out issues.
v1.11.8 Experimental I https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/313/v1118-experimental-i/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/313/v1118-experimental-i/ Wed, 14 Aug 2024 17:10 CEST Hello Galactic Survivalists!

We have an update to share with you with some fixes that are ready for the game & and for DLC owners an update for the RotDF scenario.

Changelog v1.11.7 B4480 2024-08-14

Main game & Dark Faction DLC:
  • New Pentaxid tank model

  • Hitpoint changes acc to a more unified ruleset around the following HP ranges:
    Regular soldiers and troops 500
    Elites & special 700-800
    Civilians: 300
    Damaged / infected: 400
    Special HP ranges for larger entities (Golem, Hishkal), Talon, Kriel
  • Changed: Game client now checks server version and shows the version in red if not matching client's version, also disables Connect button in this case
  • 01195: Dialogue Input Disables AI Permanently Until Reload MP
  • 01030: Infinite loading screen after teleporting to a destination that was destroyed
  • 00906: Players can take damage when in a cockpit & being fired on
  • Fix: On server update of SharedDataURL no longer the player produced Blueprints and PDA log are deleted
  • Fixed Pivot Point Polaris Scout Stock Prefab
  • Fixed an issue with street lights despawning in Survival mode when placed.
Dark Faction DLC:
RotDF scenario update:
For DLC owners: A rework of the Dark Faction scenario has been done with the changes below into a full campaign with a proper mid and end game.
Your progression is reflected in the story to defeat the Dark Faction, which spreads throughout the universe at a slower pace now.
You prepare with different Simulations how to fight against the Dark Faction, gather enough Symelite resources and research the proper tech to beat it.
There are two different endings you can choose from that impact the whole universe.
  • Updated Story with a full campaign: When you reach Aratos more missions are available from NPC’s at the UCH HQ.
  • Updated Research HQ POI & dialogues
  • Added Campaign Token reward for the HQ factions
  • Updated Aratos playfield with new decorations
  • Adjusted faction spreading speed to be slower by default in the Config
  • Fix random trigger PDA mission when entering area set to other players to spawn if they missed the start of the scenario
  • Fix broken Auto Pillar Chapter trigger
  • Fix NPC Research NPC Dialogue logic
  • Fix Oxygen Leak in Research HQ
  • Fix Rapier fixed location
  • Fix model rotation on dialogue entity
v1.11.7 Patch https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/312/v1117-patch/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/312/v1117-patch/ Tue, 18 Jun 2024 11:08 CEST First of all, we would like to apologize for the fact that some of the contents of the update described earlier this year are still pending. We are working hard on the final adjustments.

However, in order not to delay some necessary bug fixes and technical upgrades any longer, we have packed these and all previously completed content together and put together a small server scenario creativity package for you with version 1.11.7, which is now available.

It includes numerous new game objects for Survival and Creative mode (consoles, tables, large trees and various types of lamps for outdoor and indoor areas) as well as an improvement to the gravity generators, which makes it easier for you to create a walkable gravity ring, for example.

On the big topic of multiplayer, improvements have been made to how 'SharedData', i.e. the content of custom scenarios that are not included in the game installation by default, are handled. In particular, the aim here is to conserve the bandwidth of the servers offering multiplayer and, in the best case scenario, to enable you to obtain the additional content required to enter the game more quickly when you connect to the server for the first time.

Last but not least - and apart from the bug fixes - we have put a lot of work into the Blueprint Collection Tool, some of the playing fields in the Default Scenario and the Guided Tutorial (playable via the main menu)!

You can find all the details in the changelog below.

As always:
- Please post bugs and errors in this forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

- Please post feedback here in the feedback forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/faq-feedback.25/

We hope you enjoy v1.11.7 and look forward to your feedback!

Eleon Game Studios Team.

For any users who happen to use steamCMD with Empyrion & launch the game from root with EmpyrionLauncher.exe you will need to add a new line to the Empyrion.props file:
In the Empyrion root directory create a copy of the “Empyrion_Example.props” & rename it to just “Empyrion.props”
Open it in notepad & add this on a new line & save the file
[DebugOverrides] ForceGamePlatform = 2
This is only needed for the client, not for the Dedicated Server!

Changelog v1.11.7 B4480 2024-06-18

Dark Faction DLC:
  • 01375: Repeated corruption of the playfield generates a new indestructible DF pillar
Main game & Dark Faction DLC:
General Additions & Changes
  • Added new tables & consoles to the Console & Tables deco groups
  • Added new light blocks to the “Lights” group & a new “Street lights” & “Work Lights & Lamps” group

  • Added Outdoor trees for builders to decorate structures with. Search for “Outdoor Tree” in the item menu to filter for them.
  • Added back the Lon Lat UI, you can now enable / disable it in Options/Misc. Off by default.
  • Switched default of block range preview to ctrl + f
  • Various Optimizations have been done to make changing from planet to orbit or orbit to planet smoother & loading in to saves should be faster, although this can depend on how many objects are in the playfield scene.
  • Added a reworked version of Ashon II start to Default Multiplayer
  • Removed password option for local co-op servers.
  • Updated Unity to LTS v2022.3.22f1
Gravity Generators
  • Overlapping gravity generator fields no longer stack their gravitational effects: The gravitational effect is only applied once per default, but you can set it to stack in the device setting.
  • The direction of artificial gravity fields is now interpolated, making circular walkable gravity fields easier to set up!
Multiplayer: Scenarios SharedData
  • NEW: Added a new way to download the SharedData folder: SharedData download can now be done via cloud storage service which is much faster and saves dedi bandwidth on login.
    See the stock dedicated.yaml that comes with the "Standalone dedicated server" (Steam > tools > Empyrion Dedicated server) for full details at the bottom.
  • SharedData cloud download now shows progress in % and with total download size
How to use
For the Standalone dedicated server/MP
  • Right click on the SharedData folder in the custom scenario folder & select to zip/compress the SharedData and upload the zip file to a cloud service such as “Google drive”, “Dropbox” or “OneDrive (Personal)”.
  • Once the compressed copy is uploaded to your file host of choice enable sharing for the uploaded file & create a share link for it & set that link in the SharedDataURL parameter in the Dedicated.yaml & then save the file & start the server.
For Co-op mode
  • Right click on the SharedData folder in the custom scenario folder you wish to use & select to zip/compress the SharedData and upload the zip file to a cloud service such as “Google drive”, “Dropbox” or “OneDrive (Personal)”.
  • Once the compressed copy is uploaded to your file host of choice enable sharing for the uploaded file & create a share link for it & copy the link.
  • Next in the Co-op setup menu where you will see a GUI element for “SharedDataURL” click on it & add the link you copied & paste it here then when ready start the co-op server & the link will get added to the dedicated.yaml that is automatically generated in the save game folder for the co-op game you have started.
Any time a custom scenarios SharedData folder is updated you should also upload a new version of it to your file host of choice & create a new share link which needs to be added to the dedicated.yaml replacing the previous link setup there.

BP Collection tool
  • Fixed bug that if resizing a blueprint part, the snap points got repositioned
  • Fixed bug that rotating a blueprint part with the snap point tool did result in resetting to the first snap point
  • BlueprintPartsUI: reloading the scenario folder if "reload blueprint list" is pressed so you can switch the scenarios without restarting the game
  • BlueprintPartsUI: some improvements and bug fixes (f.e. now "small blocks" are supported)
  • BlueprintPartsUI: another try for fixing "blueprint part not getting loaded if from workshop"
  • BlueprintPartsCollection: improved font size of part names for 2m and 0.5m block BPs
  • SnapPoints: reverted change with overlap flag. Now snap points overlap only if both have the overlapping flag NOT set.
  • BlueprintPartsTool: added possibility to move the BPP when pressing LMB long after choosing a part
  • BlueprintPartTool: fix for black preview images if a group was selected
Vanilla Playfield changes
  • Fix for terrain stamp “CraterBattle_Geo1a” lines on map. (Note: If you use this stamp, keep the playfield at TerrainHeightMapMax of 490 to prevent stamp edges.)
  • Adjusted StampDatabase for yOffset of this stamp.
  • Playfield tweaks: Alien, HomeworldLegacy, MoonForest
  • Adjusted decoration colors & terrain textures for each
  • Alien: Darker days (‘Blacklight’ world)
  • HomeworldLegacy: Less radiation in biomes FlowersEdge and Remnant; Space atmosphere slightly dimmed. New map description text
  • MoonForest: Weather ‘Fog’ removed (too similar to RainMedium & moon is already foggy). Tweaked POI spawn order.
Guided Tutorial (Available from the Main menu)
Guided tutorial: Several fixes, clarity & flow improvements: Bug Fixes
  • Fixed several rare softlocks (e.g. Galleon NPC missing)
  • Reduced intensity of unscripted BA attack
  • Added more variant paths to react to faster players (Hoverbike crafting, steel salvage, Farm generator and fuel tank...)
  • Improved clarity of some task descriptions, added some more help markers, better message flow (At Farm entry, Artillery, Nest POI, Dronebase...)
  • Added some extra info messages (O2 generator, large block handling…)
  • Added chapter timeouts if struggling at Promethium ambush and with scripted BA attack
  • More help offers when dying a lot at Dronebase raid
  • Prevent players to respawn in destroyed starting vessel
  • Filled in missing FAQ sections
  • Multiple devices animations not working when they are powered on
  • Loading into an existing save: Deco & resources near player will disappear if hit by ray or bullet
  • Hand weapons max range info is missed
  • Assigning the ALT keybinding to some action broke the features connected to ALT and other modifier keys.
  • Fix: Key mapping localization for gameplay keys did not show in menu tooltips
  • Weapons in the Vanilla Game or from Custom Scenarios without the DLC Items show DLC Information on the ToolTip
  • Fixed regression that Ctrl-A did not fully select the whole part of a blueprint any more (and potential other regressions)
  • Fixed Human NPCs getting removed in Space

Medieval Galactic Survival Bundle is here! https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/311/medieval-galactic-survival-bundle-is-here/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/311/medieval-galactic-survival-bundle-is-here/ Mon, 27 May 2024 19:28 CEST
We have teamed up with our friends at Render Cube to bring you the Medieval Galactic Survival Bundle to celebrate the Open World Survival Crafting Fest. Available until June 3rd, with this bundle, you can get both Empyrion: Galactic Survival and Medieval Dynasty at a hefty discount! 🗡️


Throughout the Open World Survival Craft Fest, Empyrion - Galactic Survival will be on a 60% discount. The bundle you will get you another 10% discount on top of the individual discounts.

Empyrion - Galactic Survival:
Build and explore in a true space sandbox survival adventure. Construct mighty capital vessels, sprawling planetary settlements, and vast space stations in your galactic journey to discover the mysteries of Empyrion!

Medieval Dynasty:
Hunt, survive, build and lead in the harsh Middle Ages: Create your own Medieval Dynasty and ensure its long-lasting prosperity or die trying! Play alone or team up with friends to enjoy the ultimate medieval experience.

Have fun conquering the galaxies and writing your own Medieval epic!]]>
v1.11.6 Hotfix https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/310/v1116-hotfix/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/310/v1116-hotfix/ Thu, 18 Apr 2024 11:25 CEST We have a fix for the custom scenarios menu ready & to also mention we have much more to come very soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:

Thank you.

Changelog v1.11.6 B4471 2024-04-18

  • In the New Game Scenario screen scenarios subscribed in Workshop can lead to CoQ on systems without the DLC installed
  • Changed difficulty settings on a scenario are lost when returning to scenario selection screen
v1.11.5 March Update https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/309/v1115-march-update/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/309/v1115-march-update/ Thu, 28 Mar 2024 14:40 CET In today's March update, as promised, we have provided a first set of improvements and even new content.

These include, among others
- The improvement of the sword and body shield includes an increased swing speed, an additional animation, and a glowing effect around the avatar when the shield is active.
- The UI/UX improvements have added new information and markers for the Dark Field strength on the map, as well as a warning message before landing on a planet.
- The new feature for range preview of generators allows a live preview of the effect field before final placement, for both Dark Field Neutralizers and Generators as well as regular gravity generators.
- The new content includes a gravity generator for small ships (SV) with a renewed model and various ranges, available in both game versions (with and without DLC).

Unfortunately, the "Boarding Parties" feature discussed in the recently released blog had to be postponed to the upcoming next update in April. So, your security teams have gained a little more time for training. ;)

Included in today's update, of course, are bug fixes as well as further adjustments and improvements listed below in the complete changelog.

As always: please report bugs in this forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/

We thank you all for your cooperation and patience and look forward to your feedback!

Changelog v1.11.5 B4468 2024-03-27

Dark Faction DLC
  • Strain feature on bow will now only fries when the player lets go of LMB
  • Sword speed increased (hold down LMB for continuous strikes with the sword), sparks effects & another strike animation added.
  • Added: Shield recharge bar for players to see when it’s next available & body shield shader when shield is active.
  • Added: Changed the strain controller sprite & placed it close to the center of the screen
  • Added: New icon on the HUD, Map window & galaxy map to show the Dark field strength in corrupted playfields
  • A message will appear on the HUD when entering Dark faction playfields with a Dark field

  • 01338: Structure swap will use blueprints from the player BP folder if they are named the same as what is setup in the scenario
  • Various fixes for corrupted NPC's reactions to the player
Main game & Dark Faction DLC
  • Updated Main Loca for supported languages
  • Added the possibility to see with a visualization sphere some generators area they effect which can be seen when you have f.ex a gravity gen or dark field neutralizer equipped & press alt+right click
  • Replaced gravity generator model
  • Added: GravityGenerator radius configurable in BlocksConfig.ecf
  • Added: Gravity Generators for BACV (4 variants) & for SVHV (4 variants)
  • Added: both BACV and SVHV Gravity Generators to individual Block Groups
  • Added: Gravity Generators BA/CV/SV/HV to Techtree + Crafting Templates

  • 01359: Reputation ‚Neutral‘ factions send base attacks to player & Base attack did ignore the MinimalBaseStrength parameter
  • Fix: Base attack did ignore the MinimalBaseStrength parameter
Update Preview: what’s next? https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/308/update-preview-whata-s-next/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/308/update-preview-whata-s-next/ Fri, 22 Mar 2024 19:15 CET
At the beginning of March, we provided some insights here into the basic contents for the coming weeks and months (Roadmap Blog - March/April 2024).

Today, we want to get more specific and give you a little preview of the upcoming update.

Here's a little disclaimer: All images below and detailed information should be considered as work in progress. They are from the active development process, and it's possible that even days before a release, things may change or, if in doubt, be postponed to the next update. Therefore, the information below is primarily to let you know what we are currently working on and to shorten the waiting time for the next update. Thank you for your understanding. 🙂

With that said - What are the main topics of the next update?

New Features: Boarding Parties!
The turrets of the Dark Faction are getting (the first iteration of) a new function! The Disruptor Turret will now be able to immobilize your (not shield-protected) ship and then the Translocator turret will teleport troops over to your vessel! Make sure your internal security is up to scratch! 😀

Improvement: Sword and Body Shield
Three improvements are planned here. Not only has the swing speed of the sword been significantly increased. There is now also an additional animation and a glow effect around your avatar as soon as the shield is active.

UI/UX Improvements:
  • Dark Field On Screen Info & Warning message
    We added new information and updated the markers in the various map views about the presence or strength of the local Dark Field. There is also now a new message: when you approach a planet it will inform you about the strength of the Dark Field even before you attempt to land!
  • Lift-Off Warning
    In addition to that, we also plan to add another new warning message - available for both game versions: If you approach a planet, a warning will be displayed in case you would not be able to take off from this planet.

Last but not least, the current update includes a topic that fits with the previous improvement and also brings some new content that we would like to explain to you in advance.

New Feature: Range Preview for Generators
Both for the Dark Field Neutralizers (also for the Dark Field Generators) and the regular gravity generators, there is now a live preview of the effect field that you can activate BEFORE the final placement! This feature will, of course, also be included in the main game (without DLC) for the gravity generators!

And yes, we are deliberately using the plural "gravity field generators". ;)

New Content: Gravity Generator for Small Vessels (SV) and New Model
We will not only renew the model of the gravity generator and give several models with different ranges, but also introduce gravity generators for SV - for both game versions (with and without DLC).

Overall, this should give you more flexibility for your building projects - or, if it's your aim, a needs-oriented and more precise coverage without just installing the biggest generator. ;)

As mentioned above, everything here is still a work in progress and can be subject to change. ;)

Beyond the mentioned topics, there are, of course, general improvements, e.g., to the movement patterns of the creatures and, of course, bug fixing!

We hope there is something among the above improvements for you as well.

There is no fixed date for the mentioned update yet, but it looks good for the coming week.

We will keep you updated. 🙂

Your Eleon Game Studios Team.

Roadmap Blog - March/April 2024 https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/307/roadmap-blog-march-april-2024/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/307/roadmap-blog-march-april-2024/ Fri, 08 Mar 2024 19:11 CET
First off, we want to thank you for your patience over the last days and weeks while we have been working on further improvements and bug fixes!

We acknowledge that the DLC fell short of what we intended. Our aim was to offer something substantial and innovative, but in our pursuit to push boundaries, we ended up releasing an experience that was not well-polished and had technical issues. Now, we can only show you with facts that we want to make things right. Our entire team is working diligently on these step-by-step improvements.

One of the key issues was the COOP mode, which was addressed in the recently released update.

It is now not only operational again but the scenario "Rise of the Dark Faction" has also been expanded in terms of cooperative play for small groups. This means you can now play the scenario and its story campaign with several friends at the same time in a new game. Please pay attention to the new text displays and information from the game and keep in mind that it is a COOP scenario, not a full multiplayer scenario.

So, what comes next? Let’s have a quick look!

Dark Field Improvements
We're refining how the game communicates the Dark Field's impact, ensuring you have all the information you need to navigate its challenges.

New Notification Feature*
Stay alert with a feature that warns you when approaching a planet that's hard to escape due to gravitational or dark field conditions.

Handling Enhancements
Expect better handling of Dark Field Generators, Neutralizers, and Gravity Generators*, allowing for tailored gameplay strategies

Gameplay Experience
Look forward to a series of updates aimed at enriching the overall gameplay - from better shield indicators to enhanced NPC animations.

Spreading Mechanic & Alpha Field
We're broadening the Spreading-Mechanic to be usable with other NPC factions and introducing the "Alpha Field" setting, offering new layers of strategic depth.

This is, of course, just a brief summary of the things we are doing to show you that we continue to work with the utmost effort to provide you with the gaming experience you deserve and that we haven't for a minute thought of letting you, our community, down.

As you might have noticed, we have been working on fixing these issues and will continue to do so to ensure that you receive the experience we originally envisioned. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered.

We hope that our upcoming fixes will provide a better experience for those who give us a second chance, as that is ultimately our goal.

Thank you for your tremendous support, and we look forward to continuing to build and improve Empyrion Galactic Survival and the Dark Faction expansion together with you!

Your Eleon Game Studios Team.

*) Will be available for both the DLC and the main game (without DLC) in relation to the mechanics, functionalities, devices, items and tools available in the respective version!]]>
v1.11.4 Patch https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/306/v1114-patch/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/306/v1114-patch/ Tue, 05 Mar 2024 17:17 CET We have some fixes ready we would like to put out & also to mention we have much more to come very soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:

Changelog v1.11.4 B4467 2024-03-05

Dark Faction DLC only:
  • Itemicons for DF Ammo & Ores updated

  • Loca of DF Ammo was misplaced for some languages
  • Multiple fixes made for Co-op mode to work with the “Rise of the dark faction scenario” & Improved DF Scenario start for Coop compatibility. In Co-op for this scenario when the Self destruct in the Vanguard vessel at the beginning is triggered a new spawn location will be activated for anyone joining the session after.

Main game & Dark Faction DLC:
  • Itemicons for Ores updated
  • Updated Dialogues/Loca/PDA (DE,IT,FR,ES,PTb,RU,ZHs)
  • Added: PDA Chapter visibility restriction "MultiplayerOnly"

  • Fixed issues with empty dialogues for some languages (Please recheck!)
v1.11.3 Hotfix https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/305/v1113-hotfix/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/305/v1113-hotfix/ Tue, 20 Feb 2024 11:19 CET We have some fixes ready we would like to put out & also to mention we have much more to come very soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:

Thank you.

Main game:
  • DF Research console is missing dialogues in SP game with DF injection
  • Some Wildlife was not spawning on planets
  • Melee NPC's are not inflicting any damage on players in MP

  • Added localization to tokenized items (DE,FR,IT,ES,PT(b),RU,ZHs)
  • Loca/PDA/Dialogues update for DE,FR,IT,ES,PT(b),RU & ZHs

  • Some Wildlife was not spawning on planets
  • Melee NPC's are not inflicting any damage on players in MP
  • After DF corruption come to Aratos a CoQ triggers
  • CoQ appear after leaving the Nova planet during story quest
v1.11.2 Hotfix https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/304/v1112-hotfix/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/304/v1112-hotfix/ Fri, 16 Feb 2024 11:18 CET We have some fixes ready we would like to put out after finding some errors in dedicated server logs & also to mention we have much more to come very soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:

Thank you.

Changelog v1.10.8 B4262 2024-02-16

  • Multiple exceptions found in dedicated server logs
  • A fix for artifacts on stars with DLSS/FSR enabled
v1.11.1 Hotfix https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/303/v1111-hotfix/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/303/v1111-hotfix/ Thu, 08 Feb 2024 17:34 CET We have some fixes ready we would like to put out with more to come soon.

As always, please report any bugs here:

If you would like to give any constructive feedback:


  • Custom AssetBundles from the "ShardData" Folder do not work anymore
  • Fixed an issue when exiting to main menu while battle music was still playing
  • Fixed a crash that happened when opening the Control panel > stats window on some vessels in the Dark Faction scenario
The Dark Faction DLC is Here! https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/302/the-dark-faction-dlc-is-here/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/302/the-dark-faction-dlc-is-here/ Tue, 06 Feb 2024 18:23 CET
Dark Faction, our first DLC ever, has arrived, bringing new mysteries, weapons, devices, building blocks, and an all-consuming, galaxy-spanning threat.

Witness the birth of a new galactic power.


Survive A new Scenario

Solo or in co-op, plunge into an intense survival story from the moment you enter the world. Wake up on the Vanguard, the ship you just saw in the trailer, and discover what has befallen its crew. This journey will lead you down a dark path, but even this corruption can be excised with new weapons and technology.

Carve Away The Corruption in Melee Combat

Melee combat is a new feature introduced in the Dark Faction DLC. Two specially crafted energy-boosted swords are one of the few things that can harm the Dark Faction. Equipped with a sword, you will also enjoy a shield for a limited amount of time. While fighting, make sure to keep an eye on your stamina.

Ballistic Trajectory Weapons

Dark Faction also brings two brand-new kinds of weapons that use ballistic trajectory: The grenade launcher, and the bow, effective in short to mid-range combat.

A New Environment Spreads

Planets that have been taken over by the Dark Faction can be clearly identified by their darker atmosphere, and their environment changes dramatically, corrupting flora, fauna, and weather. Left unchecked, the corruption will spread to new planets as time passes. Play the story to discover how to halt the spread, even liberating corrupted planets.

Build With New Blocks

Find a way to render the corruption benign and you can build your ships and bases with the new Symelit material, which looks corrupted and organic. It probably won’t eat you alive.

Dark Field Technology and More

Beware the power of Dark Field Generators that interfere with your technology, such as power generators, by crafting Dark Field Neutralizers to counteract the effect. Cripple enemy ships from a distance with the Disruptor Turret by cutting off their thrusters and making them easy prey. Even more advancements wait to be discovered!

Thank you all for joining us on this journey to new horizons. Our small team is proud of what we have accomplished with this DLC, and excited at this opportunity to offer you a new experience in Empyrion.

We would also like to clarify that as ever, work on the base game continues with free updates and bug fixes, details of which we look forward to sharing with you. If you have any further questions about the DLC, take a look at our recent FAQ on Dark Faction.]]>
v1.11 Patch https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/301/v111-patch/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/301/v111-patch/ Tue, 06 Feb 2024 18:18 CET
Today we are not only releasing "Dark Faction", our first content expansion for Empyrion Galactic Survival - we are also releasing a general update for version 1.11

You can find all changes in the changelog below.

The bugfixes listed below also apply to owners of the DLC. We released most of the planned bug fixes towards the end of last year because we didn't want to keep you waiting for the release of version 1.11!

Very important: For the main game version without DLC, development will of course continue (with free content updates and bug fixes)!

As always, we look forward to your valued feedback!

Main game changes:
  • Base attack system changes: now the base attack's system checks for the playfield difficulty level & also the player structures attack & defense rating to determine what kind of attack will be triggered.
  • Decreased the overall fog seen when lights (suit light, handheld light, spotlights) are enabled in particular weather types
  • DialogueState from BlockConfig.ecf: if this is set, always this dialogue state is taken (even if it is overwritten using god mode)
  • DialogueSystem: added 'RemoveBookmark(int bmId)' and new 'AddBookmark()' with possibility to get the bookmark id (bmId) on bookmark creation
  • Edited FWN constructor icons to include a colored background and darker shadows.
  • Various optimisations done for loading into saves to cut down on how long it takes to load into a save game.
    Playfield changes ‘Akua’ playfield:
  • RockResources can be easier dug close to poles
  • Tundra biome is larger
  • Nights are a bit brighter; adjusted Storm fog colors
  • Biomes tweaked for decorations, added Savanna transition biome ‘HighGrass’
  • Terrain stamp placement tweaks, removing some texture artifacts. Note: Playfield seed has been altered.
  • Parts Collection window: fixed CoQ when pressing "L" in the search window, now updating the page "Info" when pressing "Reload" of a BP and also reloading it in BP lib (so the new version gets spawned)
  • Parts Collection Window: fixed Blueprints losing blocks when saving a BP via Parts Collection Window and there were blocks without Id changed/moved in BlocksConfig.ecf
  • 01184: Delay of Fuel calculation for just loaded structure lead to wrong fuel consumption
  • 01113: Forcefield effect visual glitch while moving in 1PV on the vessel
  • 01007: Flickering of holo devices & force fields seen at certain angles
FAQ - Dark Faction (DLC) https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/300/faq-dark-faction-dlc/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/300/faq-dark-faction-dlc/ Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:44 CET
First and foremost: We are extremely excited about your enthusiasm for the upcoming DLC 'Dark Faction'! We are also delighted with all the positive feedback and numerous questions that have reached us in the last few days .

You can find the announcement including the trailer OVER HERE.

We will now try to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the Empyrion Galactic Survival DLC 'Dark Faction'.

Additionally, we plan to release more blog posts with further details and information about the DLC in the weeks leading up to the release!

As always: If you have specific questions about the gameplay or the new features of the DLC, feel free to post them below this message and we will try to answer them in the next theme blog.

Without further delay - let's get started!


- General -

Does the DLC only work in single player?
Server owners can set up servers based on the DLC-included game version as normal. However, all players must own and have installed the main game and the DLC to play on these servers

Is the "Dark Faction Rising" scenario suitable for multiplayer mode?
The scenario is intended for single player and small co-op games. It is not balanced or made for dedicated servers. Dedicated multiplayer scenarios based on the DLC may follow in the future.

Will the content of the main game (version with and without DLC) continue to be updated free of charge (content updates, bug fixes)?
We will continue to provide the main game (version without DLC) with free content and bug fixes for its owners. Owners of the DLC version of the game will of course also receive associated bug fixes and DLC-specific content updates free of charge

Will there be another bug fix update before the DLC release?
Bug fixes that are relevant for both the main game version with and without DLC will, whenever possible, be fixed and installed at the same time. However, it is also possible that the DLC game version and the non-DLC game version will sometimes be updated independently of each other. Please keep an eye on our announcements!

- Compatibility -

Can I download/subscribe to blueprints created with the DLC for my non-DLC game?
We are currently clarifying the final technical details. However, it will not be possible to use DLC-related content (e.g. blueprints with DLC content) on non-DLC savegames or game versions (neither in single player nor in multiplayer)

Can players who do not own the DLC play on servers that require the DLC?
That will not be possible. To play on a server or scenario that uses DLC content, the creators and players must own and have installed both the main game and the DLC.

Can scenarios that were created with the main game (version without DLC) use DLC contents?
Scenarios or mods that are based solely on the main game (version without DLC) will not be able to use the contents of the DLC.

- Gameplay & Features -

Will we get melee combat?
Yes, there will be melee combat in the DLC game version. Take a closer look at the published screenshots ;)

Will the main storyline of the game be changed, expanded or completed with the DLC release?
Eleon Game Studios is a very small studio. To make the DLC fun and enjoyable, all developers and content designers have been working on this project for the last few months. We will of course continue to work on the main scenario ... especially on completing the main storyline (which will be included in both the version with and without DLC!)! However, there is no announcement on this yet and the work on the main story arc it is not part of the "Dark Faction" DLC update or the accompanying update to both game versions for the reasons mentioned above. The eponymous scenario in the DLC will also have its own storyline, which is not directly based on the main storyline or is only loosely connected to it.]]>
Experience a Darker Empyrion in The Dark Faction DLC! https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/299/experience-a-darker-empyrion-in-the-dark-faction-dlc/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/299/experience-a-darker-empyrion-in-the-dark-faction-dlc/ Tue, 09 Jan 2024 16:05 CET
Today, we’re absolutely thrilled to announce that Dark Faction, our most ambitious project yet, arrives on February 6!

This DLC is priced at $9.99 / €9.99 and therefore, it contains by far the most content we’ve ever made for the game at once.

In this first ever DLC for the game, you will discover a terrifying threat to the entire galaxy: an almost indestructible organism driven to spread and take over any life it touches. Plunge into an intense survival story from the moment you enter the world.

We developed this scenario with both new and veteran players in mind. The new player experience provides an easy way to learn the basics of the game while setting up the new story. If you want to experience the new content on an existing character but without the story, you can do that too.

New Features

A New Story (requires new character): Wake up on a derelict ship and discover what has befallen the crew. Uncover the secrets of the Dark Faction and how to stop its spread across the galaxy.

Dark Faction Planets: Explore a new and deadly environment that’s spreading across the galaxy.

Dark Faction Building Blocks: Expand your creativity with a new set of organic building blocks.

New Devices: Craft new powerful devices such as the Translocator, Phase Shield, and Corrupted Shield.

Updated Melee Combat: We’ve updated melee combat, which plays a large role from the beginning of the scenario.

We’ve Partnered with Funcom!

In addition, we’re delighted to announce that we’ve partnered with Funcom for marketing duties on our future projects. That goes for Dark Faction... and beyond.

Funcom’s previous publishing record includes Shiro Games’ Dune: Spice Wars and The Outsiders’ multi-award winning Metal: Hellsinger. They are also the developers of the open world survival game Conan Exiles.

With Funcom taking care of marketing, we’re free to focus entirely on development, and as you will see with Dark Faction, this has given us the opportunity to raise the bar for both the quality and quantity of our content.

A New Chapter for Empyrion

We want to thank you all so much for your support. Being able to release a DLC of this size and scope is a big milestone that we couldn’t have achieved without your support over the years. We look forward to entering this new chapter for Empyrion with all of you.

The Dark Faction begins to spread on February 6.

🎄 Wishing You a Merry Christmas and Grateful Thanks for Your Support! 🌟 https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/298/-wishing-you-a-merry-christmas-and-grateful-thanks-for-your-support/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/298/-wishing-you-a-merry-christmas-and-grateful-thanks-for-your-support/ Mon, 25 Dec 2023 10:23 CET
As we wrap up another incredible year together, we want to take a moment to extend our warmest wishes to each and every one of you. 🎅 This festive season, may your hearts be filled with joy, your homes with laughter, and your spirits with the magic of Christmas.

🌟 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🌟

We are immensely grateful for the unwavering support and enthusiasm you've shown throughout the year. Your dedication has truly made our community a vibrant and thriving space. Together, we've achieved so much, and we couldn't be more excited about the journey ahead.

🎁 A Special Thank You 🎁

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each member who has contributed bug reports and valuable feedback. Your attention to detail and commitment to improving our game has been instrumental in making it better every day. It's a true testament to the strength of our community, and we're thankful for your support in this journey.

🎉 Looking Back, Moving Forward 🎉

As we reflect on the year gone by, we're filled with pride and joy at what we've accomplished together. The challenges we've faced have only strengthened our bonds, and we're excited about the opportunities the future holds.

In the spirit of the season, let's continue to support and uplift one another. May the coming year bring even more success, growth, and moments of shared joy.

🥳 Cheers to a Wonderful New Year! 🥂

Eleon Game Studios

v1.10.8 Hotifx https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/297/v1108-hotifx/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/297/v1108-hotifx/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 11:22 CET Just a small patch for the following fix more to come soon.

Changelog v1.10.8 B4262 2023-12-20

  • 01178: Production devices are not going back to idle energy level

  • Added seasonal food recipes to food processor (requires new ingredients!)
  • Added new ingredients & templates for seasonal food
  • Added ingredients to traders and some loot drops
  • Added seasonal food as loot drop (Traders, Zirax Soldiers, Civilians)
  • Updated Loca (Main) with seasonal food references
v1.10.7 Hotfix https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/296/v1107-hotfix/ https://empyrion-servers.com/blog/296/v1107-hotfix/ Fri, 15 Dec 2023 19:37 CET In addition to yesterdays hotfix we have an additional fix to accompany it. More to come soon.

Changelog v1.10.7 B4260 2023-12-15

  • 01179: Request_Player_Item_Exchange does not seem to reset after using it once